Dance Studios NEED to reopen! - NJADS
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Dance Studios NEED to reopen!

 January 13, 2022      njads

Ontario’s top doctor ‘can’t guarantee’ that businesses will reopen on Jan. 26…

For the sanity of our dancers (and their parents!) we NEED to re-open. I truly believe that dance classes are about so much more than just learning steps. Dance helps to relieve stress, raise your heart rate, work your muscles, improve your mood, and ease anxiety. We are ready to SAFELY OPEN with a strong COVID SAFETY PLAN in place….we were ready to open safely back on January 3rd. If schools are able to reopen, DANCE STUDIOS should be allowed to reopen as well. 💜 @fordnation

#KeepOurKidsSafeMentally #KeepOurKidsSafePhysically #ReopenDanceStudios #fairnessforarts



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