September 7, 2022 njads
The start of the dance season is often anticipated with great excitement and joy, but can also cause uncertainty and tears. The main source of anxiety for parents and children is that they do not know what to expect. Below are some tips to help ease the transition for your child, and decrease both of your anxiety.
BE CONSISTENT – Some parents may see their child have a difficult first class and feel this is a cause for concern. It is quite normal for students to be unsure or not wanting to participate the first week. As a parent, we know it is hard to see your child upset. Consistency is key, attend class each week, and be on time/early for class. It is difficult for students to transition when a class is already in progress.
STAFF ARE HERE TO HELP – Our staff are warm, caring, and experienced instructors who can anticipate our students’ needs and assist in the transition. Many of us are moms too, and have been where you are! We will take your child’s hand and escort them into the classroom. We will not push your child to participate, but gently encourage them each week, until before you know it your child comes out of class smiling, and showing you all of the great dance steps they learned in class!
ROUTINE, ROUTINE, ROUTINE – Our class follows the same routine each week. Young students thrive on routine, and love knowing what to expect. We start each class with a warm-up, some centre work, and then practice a dance. Often student’s are afraid to participate the first week, since they are unsure what to expect, then the following week are excited to dance once they realize the we are practicing the same dances and songs.
PREPARE YOUR CHILD – Talk about dance class, and get them excited. Let them know what to expect, and that you will be in the lobby to pick them up at the end of class.
We look forward to seeing all of our dancers for the first week of Season 20 from September 10-16th