Hamilton Dance Studios back in Lockdown - NJADS
NJADS Inc. | 905-529-9885 | Email

Hamilton Dance Studios back in Lockdown

 January 3, 2022      njads

Hello Dance Family,

It saddens me to have to email you all (and at the last moment), but if you missed the government announcement that was just made, they have closed indoor spots and recreational facilities.   We will still be starting classes tonight as planned, but they will be held online through Zoom.  Please download this program if you do not already have it.

We are creating Zoom classes and loading them into the Parent Portal as I type this message.


Log into our Parent Portal to access the link to your child’s Zoom meeting ID and password.  Visit www.MyDanceStudio.ca and click on Login: Parents on the top right of the page.

Scroll down and all of the classes your child(ren) are enrolled in are listed. Find the applicable class that you want to log into.  Click on the Link to the Zoom Class and it will launch automatically (note the meeting ID and password are also listed if you want to log in on a different device.  The password is case sensitive).  These class links and passwords will be loaded into our system approximately a week before classes are scheduled to start.


  • Ensure they are wearing comfortable clothing that they can move in, such as a bodysuit and tights, or stretchy pants with a t-shirt.  Ensure hair is tied back and out of the dancers’ face.
  • Clear a space that your child can move and dance in during their dance lesson.
  • Log into your Zoom account and Edit your Profile so that the Display Name is your child’s first name (This will assist the instructor with taking attendance, getting to know any new students, and giving dancers feedback during class).
  • Ensure you are muted so that any background noise does not distract the class, and that your camera is on.
  • Clean the camera on your device so that we can see you clearly.  Connecting your device (tablet, laptop etc.) to your tv will make it easier for younger dancers to follow along, as the screen is larger.
  • Have a water bottle nearby.
  • Get ready to have fun and dance!

We hope to see everyone in person soon.  Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Keep Dancing!

Miss Amanda



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