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MOTIVATION for dancers at any age

Nancy at 64, started ballet at 55. “I started ballet in my fifties after fracturing my spine and sternum in a fall,” Taylor wrote on Facebook. “My surgeon diagnosed me with advanced Osteoporosis and told me that I would never lead an active lifestyle again. When a ballet studio opened just across the road from ...Read More

Give the Gift of Dance this holiday season!

Choosing the perfect present for your children is tricky business, and it’s even more difficult to find something you can be sure they’ll love.  This season, change things up and give a unique gift that will stand out…give the gift of dance.  There are many benefits of giving an experience gift, but these are our ...Read More

7 Simple Benefits of enrolling your Child in Ballet!

Many children start dancing simply because they love it, but did you know that Ballet provides more to children than simply joy of movement? Here are seven simple benefits of Ballet class for your child. Confidence – Ballet is good for boosting self-esteem and confidence in young children. Building Character – Even small children begin ...Read More

Exploring the Dance Class Dress Code

When you’re dancing, you need to be focused, confident, and uninhibited.  Fidgeting with large, bulky dancewear during class is a big no no!  The following are also reasons that it is important to ensure your dancer is following our Dress Code and wearing appropriate dance attire. Visibility and Ease of Motion Comfortable dance clothes allow ...Read More

You Did it!

Congrats to our dancers for making it through the first 3 weeks of class! Many of our dancers are now settling into the routine, but note, it is also TOTALLY NORMAL if dancers are still shy or a little nervous coming to class. Each dancer progresses at their own time, and some dancers will take ...Read More

Ballet Shoes: What you need to know…

Ballet slippers come in several types of material: Satin Canvas Leather Choosing the right soft ballet shoes Selecting the correct dance shoe, and wearing them to class is important.  Although they are not mandatory for class, they are highly recommended as they will help you develop a proper technique and help prevent injury to the ...Read More

First Day Jitters?!?

The start of the dance season is often anticipated with great excitement and joy, but can also cause uncertainty and tears. The main source of anxiety for parents and children is that they do not know what to expect. Below are some tips to help ease the transition for your child, and decrease both of ...Read More

Tips to be ready for Back-to-Dance!

Our 2022-2023 Dance Season is quickly approaching…are you enrolled in all of your dance classes?  Try to register for your favourites, be sure to include a technique class, and maybe even try a new style.  Time to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself this year!  Here are some tips to help you ...Read More

How to Pick a Dance Studio for your Child

New to the world of dance? Selecting a dance studio for your child can be an overwhelming process.  There are so many options to consider, and each studio will have a different feel…the following questions will help to narrow down the choices, and find the right fit for your child and your family. Why is ...Read More

Dancers and Puberty

Helping your child navigate the challenges that come along with puberty is tricky — but especially for dancers.  As your dancer reaches that in-between age – puberty – it is a good idea that parents have a conversation with their child about their self-awareness and self-care. Body Odour Body odour in dancers is not a ...Read More