August 12, 2021 njads
Then see what the Not Just Another Dance Studio Dance Family is all about! We believe in professionalism, respect and integrity. We believe that the atmosphere we create in the studio for our dance family (our culture) is every bit as important as the education our students receive. We are focused on teaching the whole student; giving our dancers life skills such as dedication, determination and perseverance that will help them to succeed now, and for the rest of their lives!
NJADS is a safe space for everyone!
We are supportive of all dancers that come into our studio, regardless of age, shape, gender, ability or sexual orientation. We have gender neutral bathrooms, and are open to providing dancers costumes they are comfortable in regardless of their gender.
Not Just Another Dance Studio is committed to providing a safe space for our dancers and families. Belonging, diversity and inclusion are at the core of our community and integral to quality dance and education. As a studio, we aim to provide a second home for students, a safe space where they can explore their artistry and become their best selves without feeling unwelcome, unsafe or uncomfortable due to race, gender identity, cultural background, religion and spiritual beliefs, mental and physical ability or socioeconomic status.
We are committed to the ongoing work this demands. As such, we are continually open to feedback and criticism and wish to be held accountable in the process. Please let us know at any time how we can continue to make the space more welcoming and inclusive.