Our Level System Archives - NJADS
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Classes Category: Our Level System

How do I know what level to register my child for?

When enrolling for our full dance season (September through June) we go by the age that your child is as of September 1st.  For example, if your child’s birthday is December 19th, and they are 3, they should enroll in any of our Pre-Level Dance classes.  This class is for children that are 3, and turning 4 during the dance season.  They are to remain in the Pre-Level classes for the entire season, and will not be ready to move up to the Level 1 classes (for 4-6 year olds) in January, simply because they have celebrated their birthday.  Are classes are geared towards the specific age group, learning and skills ability and interests for each age group that we offer.

What if my child has never taken dance before?

That is totally fine!  Our instructors are knowledgeable, and able to help both new dancers, as well as experienced dancers to advance their learning and push themselves in each class.  We believe that peer interactions are important during class, and will not have older dancers “dance down” with groups below their age group.  Dancers may register for any class for their age group, with the exception of Advanced classes, which require previous knowledge in the style of dance to join.

My child is a Pre-Teen / Teenager…is it too late to start dance lessons?

Definitely not!  It is never too late to start dance lessons.  Our staff can assist dancers just starting out in their dance journey.  Please note, learning dance is similar to learning a new language.  It will take time to learn the terminology, and to train your body to move in the way that you are asking it to.  This takes time!  Be patient and kind to yourself.  We have resources available to assist dancers to become confident in their abilities.

Do you offer Adult classes?

Yes!  Check out the classes we offer for those 18+

Are all classes age based, or do you offer skill-based learning?

Our Acro and Tap classes tend to be based more on skill level, rather than age.  Dancers in Acro classes must strive to be equally flexible as well as strong enough to safely complete skills.  Both Acro and Tap classes teach based on progressions.  It is important that students master a skill before moving on to the next level of the progression.  Contact our staff for assistance in selecting the appropriate class for your child.  We will often do a trial class in Acro, so that the dancer’s skills can be assessed to place them in a class where they can be both challenged, as well as successful.

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