Hip Hop - NJADS
NJADS Inc. | 905-529-9885 | Email

Hip Hop


About the Style

Hip Hop/Jazz Funk class is a cute, fierce and powerful style of dance with a diva-like dance quality.  It takes elements from both Hip Hop and Jazz.  This high energy class gives students a chance to release their sassiness and dance fiercely!  They will also explore free style improvisation.  Students will develop their sense of rhythm and musicality while dancing to age-appropriate music.

Hip Hop/Street Dance class is an urban style of dance.  It is a mix of isolated and fluid body movements and is quite performance oriented.  There are elements of popping, locking and breaking.  Free-styling and tricks will also be incorporated based on student’s ability level.  We will also explore individuality within the style and enhance personal style.

The Instructor(s)

Christopher Duarte
Sam Paglia
Lilyanna Colling-Cen

Class Attire

Clothing that students can move in i.e. dance wear, shorts, t-shirt, athleticwear etc. (no jeans). Clean indoor running shoes. Hair in a ponytail.


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