Stephanie DeBou - NJADS
NJADS Inc. | 905-529-9885 | Email

Stephanie DeBou

Yoga Instructor

Stephanie is a full time Yoga, Breathwork and Meditation Teacher, was was formerly an Advertising Executive and Entrepreneur of 15+ years. Her own personal Yoga journey spans a much larger time frame over decades and several countries, but it wasn’t until 2017 that she finally gave up her corporate high heels, board rooms and ergonomic chairs in favour of bare feet, yoga mats and meditative cushions. Stephanie has received 500 hours of Formal Training in Yoga and Meditation, and hundreds more as she pursued her studies that lead her into additional training, retreats and workshops for Restorative Yoga, Pre and Post Natal Yoga, Functional Movement, Rope Wall, and Barre. She has also recently completed her Holistic Doula training and two levels of Fertility Yoga training. Stephanie’s classes are the combination of her various trainings, background and discoveries on her own healing journey for the mind, body and spirit. Stephanie teaches yoga, breathwork and meditation to all levels, in studio, in private, online, on retreat, and in corporate settings. Stephanie’s unique blend of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Energy Medicine, Yoga, Breathwork and Meditation weave together in classes that are thoughtfully crafted, elegantly and compassionately delivered, and profoundly transformative.